Monday, 13 October 2008

week seven

photo(shopped) by martina

anyways, this weekend including monday i went to visit enschede, as anounced in the earlier post. i worked last saturday, so monday was spare. that was good in so far, that i could participate at one twentse welle projecten pool meeting (some sort of school assignment that is). it was good for me to see how far everything already was, not having been there before due to my work experience. additionally, i could "help" by drawing some figures for my groups illustration. not that that help was needed, my group members anika and andree left some for me so i could take part aswell. i appreciate that.
i also could help the group of the modern times (anke, martina and daniel) with their project a little. before i already ha played a little role in one of the movies they are going to present in the museum, and they needed some additional photos for that. i liked helping them, was fun. the photo above is for a part of their exhibition.
back i hilversum i had a quite untroubled week, ok except friday, later more about that. on monday i helped my boss, paul, a little with shooting a short scene for a commercial. i only did some lighting and stuff, and the scene was really short and done fastly, but i was nice to help. it was for a commercial about "mooi" (dutch for beautiful), a chain of makeup-stores.
this week i also learned how to "dump" movies onto digibeta tapes. digibeta is the most-used system for TV. might come in handy though.
and then came friday. on firday it was my job to record a digibeta tape with a short clip someone had made the day before, who i promised i would help him out with that. he wasn't there that day. i should just grab a rendered file he had started to render the day before and record it onto the tape. sounds simple.
what happened was, that his computer crashed over night. the file was gone. i didn't have his account data to log in and render it again, and some other things went wrong.
it took me the whole day trying to solute these problems. afterwards we even had to record it two more times because somthing with the sound was wrong. in the end we were half a day over the deadline. stress pure, but again i learned a lot of that: finish your stuff on time, YOURSELF.

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