Sunday, 21 September 2008

week four

before starting with my internship, i arranged with my current boss that i would get one week "holidays" at the beginning of oktober. i did so because i thought that this was the time when the preparations for the exhibition in the twentse well would start seriously.
anyways, i went to enschede/gronau for one week therefore, trying to help with the preparations. i should better have picked one week later, because then icould have helped with the actual constucting, but it wasn't for nothing either. this way i helped a lot with modeling for my groups illustrations. that means i posed in a lot different poses, was phootographed and lateron outlined and painted over in illustrator. above some examples (farmer illustrated by anika, nazi by me, AND i have to say that it's a historical museum, and that is the only reason why i'm dressed like a nazi). brought my group a whole step further i think.
it also was nice seeing my flatmates and people.

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