Saturday, 30 August 2008

week one

if some people missed me at the aki, that is because at the moment i am doing a "work experience" (zu deutsch "praktikum", en in nederlands "stage") at holland centraal. that is a small but fine motion graphics and concept design agency in hilversum, NL. six firendly people work there regularly, and mostly they have one or two "work experiencers" (??? no idea how to phrase that). one of their main clients is "deBijenkorf" a great dutch department store chain (they do all that in-store tv and stuff), but they also work a lot for tv or make musicvideos.
the office they have is great. a nice piece of architecture, and it was created by someone who was still studyig at that time, really remarkable.
i have to admit that i find it pretty adventurous here. going to some foreign country (ok, maybe not that foreign to me) completely on your own without knowing anyone, just to work there and see how it goes. what is even more adventurous is my current doss. i wasn't aware, that it is SO hard to get a room or something here, and maybe didn't start searching early enough (like a month before starting). that is why i didn't have a place to sleep when i came here, but i found an easy solution. camping. in my free time i do it for fun, so it's not that bad. additionally, the camping site where i've put up my tent is only 15 min by bike to work.
enough about the local circumstances. the first week was pretty easy, first of all i should get to know the way of wor here. so i was told a bit about programs, structures, styles and stuff like that. also i had a look at some work they made, and checked what clients they work for. michiel, works quite a while here i think, most of the time helps me and shows me around. he does most of the work for deBijenkorf, so that is what i will mostly work for too, i guess.
later that week i already did some actual work, making some "pages" that can be seen in the stores of deBijenkorf. they call these short films, that inform you about special offers and things, so. in addition i helped by preparing a presentation for a big bijenkorf management meeting, some sort of information event about the upcoming season. for that i went to the "DeBijenkorf Headqauters" in amsterdam (not as spectecular as it sounds) toghter with michiel.
a bit difficult for me is that i am taking part in the twentse welle projecten pool assignment for aki aswell, what brings me some extra work hours in the evenings, and eats up this weekend (and the ones following aswell i guess). but i like the assignment and want to finish my animation as good as i can.
[photos by marathon]

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