Monday, 26 May 2008

frame after frame after frame...

same topic as in the post before. strange humans.
i really liked doing this, even if it wasn't an assignment and a whole bunch of work. every frame you see is drawn by hand (with my wacom tablet and flash). there are only few loops in and only one motion tween (the falling leave). the rest is really drawn frame after frame after frame...
each time i'm doing something like this, i love seeing how the things come to life. i also like the style of this kind of animation, has it's own flair somehow.
it's not the final version, i have to rework some timing and the sound. i thought about asking someone from the conservatorium to record unique sound for it. yepp, i have to do so...


Dennis ten Hove said...

way cool Jan!
Looks great!

Nathalie Nierengarten said...

super super super toll!!!