Thursday, 20 December 2007


packshots are photographs of products, which should present the product in a nice way. productphotography you could say, for advertisement and posters and stuff. that's what we should do! very open assignment, so you can be very creative. here's only one from me, but i already have a whole bunch of ideas what else to do for that topic.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

dialogue 1.0

this s a movie i made for an assignment, in which we should animate an given dialogue from a movie, also using the spoken words in form of typography. this is not the final version, but it is nearly finished.

my computer problem also is nearly finished, i've already ordered a new graphics card via ebay, and now i can't await it's arrival. my posting rate is going to increase rapidly as soon as it's here.

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

for my Corporate Identity

this is a logo i have created for myself. i came up with the idea because of a telling from goethe, called "reineke fuchs", about a very clever fox called like me! very obvious though if you know this telling, but also if you don't know it, a fox indicates a lot of positive qualities. a fox is clever, charming, smart and lovely.
relating to my function as a designer these are all the attributes you would hope to find, and i think that animal matches me quite nice ;)
this could aswell be the logo for a prospective design company, perhaps "fox design". and a corporate identity, that is based on the previously named qualities of a fox would be more than desirable. wouldn't it?

by the way, the computer problem i mentioned in the previous post is still not soluted. i am using my housemates machine once again. it looks like i'll have to get a new video card built in or must do it myself :(

Monday, 29 October 2007

my computer produces ART - all by ITSELF

my usually so reliable fujitsu&siemens laptop has newly discovered his affection for producing art - without me having asked for it. today in class, i wanted to boot it as usual, and then these strange things you can see above occured, even before the operating system was started. they change colours sometimes and flicker around. really odd.
i don't know what to do now, all my study's data is on this stupid machine, and my photos, and documents, and EVERYTHING. my whole damn life is on that thing!(ok, from time to time i make backups on an external drive, but the most recent data is only on the laptop's hdd)
my housemate was so nice to let me write this post on his computer.
i already plugged an external monitor into my video card's output, but then it aswell displays these odd stripes and patterns, and starts flickering and stuff. that sucks.
it probably is a problem with the graphics card. i guess i'll have to send it in to be repaired, which is surely gonna take its time and price, because the computer is about half a year out of the warranty. ouch. this sucks even more. stupid piece of crap.
so, don't forget: NEVER TRUST THE MACHINES!

Monday, 15 October 2007

some kind of storyboard

in the video and interactive media lesson on the 14th september we were given a little story, which we should plan the shots for to film the scene properly. i made an animated storyboard with my wacom and flash.
click it to avance in the storyline.

Sunday, 23 September 2007

and a gif from the server

jan does love his wacom...

Saturday, 22 September 2007

all new pen tablet

as you can guess from the post-title, i've bought myself a "grafiktablett" (wacom intuos3 a5 wide)! it's great. the picture is some kind of the first try with it. with some practice, i think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship...

Wednesday, 12 September 2007

newspaper storyboard

this was one of the first assignments we got in this year of studying. we should first of all create a story with 30 to 60 words, using only words, that we cut out of an "nrc next" newspaper. afterwards we took another one and made pictures to illustrate the story, using only things we cut out of the photos of this one newspaper.
this is what i came up with, a little story about time-travel.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

the last 6 weeks i took part in a workshop that found place every wendsday (with some interruptions). the workshop was conducted by roland sips, who also gives lessons in illustration design on the acadamy i am studying at. the assignment (or directive) was to make a stillive picture, related to those from the year about 1700, but somehow translated to 2007. therefore the workshop was called "stillive '07". we should create the relation for example by using a modern content or objects in the picture, but still letting it be influenced by it's predecessorss for example by including something like the "death", what was an often used topic in the old stilllife paintings. we could use different printing techniques, like copperplate engraving or linoleum-printing (i used that).
i tried to get a connection to death, perhaps you see it yourself. if not i can explain:
i showed modern things that can lead to it. drinking and driving, burning because of smoking in bed or unhealthy living causing a heart attack or something like that.

aki festival 2007

this is just asmall supplement, the aki festival is a bit ago now, but i thought i should publish the pictures and didn't know where else to place them. they are from the aki festival 2007 "de kleine utopie", that is a week in which you can take part in one of many different workshops that are offered, organized by the academy i am studying on.
i took part in a workshop for skateboard-design and street art. it was really nice, even tough i did not have much to do with this year's topic "utopia". above you see the results of the whole group's work.
we mostly worked with spray cans and stencils, and also did some stickers this way, that we spreat in the city.

Monday, 14 May 2007

i finally finished the cook book (more or less)! took longer then i tought, i had to rework the symbols a lot. first i tried to get them related to each other with the hands, as you see above, but ina (my teacher for graphic design) thought that was too complicated, and that i try to get a simpler connection.
now, i did that by giving them all the same shape somehow. for quick i have two different symbols, a leopard and a boomerang. the leopard looks better and is more obvious for quick, but the boomerang fits the shape better. i'll ask ina about that.
above you can see what the final site shoul look like roughly. i picked the glass-illustration for the recipe, because "crème blûlée" has a hard hull, that breaks like glass when you crack it with the spoon.

Monday, 7 May 2007

i also made a small flash game when we should try around with buttons a bit. it's very simple, try to find out the right code.

i have made an animation with my name for an assignment for the aki, in which we should do that in flash in black& white. i thought gray should also be ok, but it actually wasn't. so i also made a new one, which is the upper one.

this is a photo-serie i made for a photography workshop guided by ahmet polat. we could conceive our own topic for the serie and mine was perishability. i wanted to show, that it's something really natural and how the human fights it.
by now i think that perhaps less pictures would also have been enough to express the meaning, i'll think about that till the werkschau.

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

i also improved the grid a bit and fitted it to the shoes. i made it for the current weather. it has just 5 colours (actually 4 but "transparent" is a colour aswell) and weights only 1kb.

i worked on the icons and had different ideas about how to make them interesting. as you can see, i went for the idea of illustrating the different weather conditions only with the shoes, that fit the weather.

Monday, 2 April 2007

A sketch I made for a grid for weather information. I still have to work on the style of the weather icon's...